The launch of the 2024 Dompu Regent and Deputy Regent Election in West…

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작성자 Darrin
댓글 0건 조회 18회 작성일 24-07-19 02:32


043774400_1697983036-20231022-Prabowo_Umumkan_Bacawapres-HER_1.jpg"The PKS DPP, in a meeting on Thursday, June 20, 2024, has agreed to put forward Mr. Anies Rasyid Baswedan as the gubernatorial candidate and Mr. Sohibul Iman as the vice-gubernatorial candidate," said Syaikhu.

At this gathering, he announced the governor candidate for Lampung, appointed by the Head of Gerindra Party, Subianto Prabowo, namely Djausal Rahmat Mirzani, to run in the 2024 Pilkada. Currently, Rahmat Mirzani Djausal is serving as the Lampung DPD Gerindra Chairman. Here is more information about bakal calon pilkada Palembang have a look at our own webpage. "Within Lampung, Mr. Prabowo has determined that the candidate considered fit to be the Lampung's governor is Mr. Rahmat Djausal. The selection of Mirza as the gubernatorial candidate by Mr. Subianto is after considering the views, recommendations, and feedback he has gathered from numerous local leaders, professionals, and religious figures in Lampung," Muzani said in his address. He also hopes that the presentation of Mirza as a governor candidate can be the commencement for Lampung to reach better blessings. He also asked all Gerindra Lampung administrators to come together to win Djausal as the governor of Lampung in the upcoming regional election. Nonetheless, he said, this introduction is not merely for gaining power. As per the instruction of the president-elect, Subianto Prabowo, power must be utilized to defend the rights of the people. "The critical aspect is that power must be used as a tool to champion truth and the rights of the people. Justice is a value we have agreed upon in our statehood," he said. "Therefore, as mentioned by Mr. Subianto, power must be employed to safeguard the needy, ensure justice, attain equity, attain well-being, and foster a sense of safety for all people of Indonesia," said the Deputy Chairman of the MPR. Reminded to Care for the People According to Muzani, providing security and providing food for all people is the duty of a state. Thus, Subianto has initiated a initiative of free lunch and milk for all scholars in schools and boarding schools. "Providing food to the people and providing a sense of safety for the population is a primary right for all people of Indonesia and {humanity|humans|

087380400_1688112310-Grafis_1.jpgOne option is to back A. Baswedan in the forthcoming election in November. "Regarding our colleagues at PDIP, we are very receptive to working with PDIP and all parties, not just in DKI, but in different areas as well," said Johan Daniel in Jakarta on Saturday. On this occasion, PKB, along with the former Jakarta governor, already shares the same vision and mission for the Jakarta Pilkada. Therefore, it's just a matter of time before the party led by Iskandar Muhaimin, publicly supports A. Baswedan. "Pak Anies has already explained that with PKB, there's no need for words; we've already collaborated. So, the formal declaration is just a trivial technicality. The main point is we are aligned in our vision. Now, we just anticipate the official announcement," said Daniel. "As for the deputy, that's up to the Pilkada team to finalize, developing everything to a team, including the deputy. We look forward to the Pilkada desk's statement," he ended.

nThe Chief of the Presidential Secretariat (Kasetpres) also sees the status change as an opportunity to improve infrastructure and the quality of life for its residents . "This is an opportunity to improve infrastructure, quality of life for residents, and present a new, livable, and sustainable face," said Heru

027529000_1718604816-a85c6b79-1232-40be-b4c2-f9aaa301d4ed.jpgThis was announced by PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu during his speech at the Party Leadership School event titled 'Continuing to Defend the People' at the Grand Sahid Hotel, Central Jakarta, on Tuesday (25/6/2024).

"Ma Nggini, Ma Taroa, Ma Nggari are the moral foundations of the 2024 Pilkada implementation in Dompu, rooted in local wisdom to achieve the sovereignty of the people," said Arif during the Pilkada launching event.

000674600_1696934426-Infografis_SQ_Muncul_Usulan_Gibran_Jadi_Cawapres_Pendamping_Prabowo.jpgAs stated by Dompu KPUD Chairman Arif Rahman, the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada mascot must contain elements of Dompu, embody local wisdom, and align with Ma Nggini, Ma Taroa, and Ma Nggari as the moral foundation for achieving the sovereignty of the people within the framework of culture. The Buffalo is an endemic animal that has existed in Dompu for hundreds of years and is abundant. This animal serves as an economic status indicator for the community.

KPU RI Chairman Hasyim Asy’ari said that the Information Recapitulation System (Sirekap), claimed to be a vote counting tool during the 2024 Election, will be used again for the 2024 Regional Elections. Since the election and regional election models differ, a new design is being made. "Sirekap is planned to be used for the 2024 Regional Elections because initially, Sirekap was first used in the 2020 Regional Elections. The design and so on are being prepared," said Hasyim at the DPR RI, quoted on Thursday (16/5/2024).

He explained that the PKS Central Executive Board's (DPP) decision to nominate Anies and Sohibul Iman for the 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election was based on suggestions from the PKS Jakarta Regional Leadership Board (DPW). "I have received a letter from the DPW DKI Jakarta structure that proposed the DKI gubernatorial candidate to the PKS DPP, followed by the vice-gubernatorial candidate for DKI to the PKS DPP. Among the letters, there was a request to endorse, approve, and designate Mr. Anies Rasyid Baswedan and Mr. Mohammad Sohibul Iman as the gubernatorial and vice-gubernatorial candidates for DKI," said Syaikhu.


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